This is the traditional view of events, although, perhaps more realistically, the composition of the tables was an attempt by the elite to govern themselves better and prevent abuse within their own social group. Anyway, the result was a list of written laws (legibus scribundis) presented on ten tables, and two more were added the following year to bring the total to twelve. As a result, laws became law, that is, they were promulgated only after the first decision of a legislative body and were no longer based on mere customs and traditions. Around 450 BC J.-C., the first Decemviri (Decemvirats, president of the "Ten Men") were responsible for creating the first ten tables. According to Livy, they sent a message to Greece to study the legislative system of Athens, known as the Salonic Constitution, but also to learn more about the legislation of other Greek cities. [7] [8] Some scholars deny that the Romans imitated the Greeks in this regard[9] or suggest that they only visited the Greek cities of southern Italy and did not travel to Greece. [10] In 450 BC. J.-C., the second Decemviri begins to work on the last two tables. This section of the paintings makes it illegal for anyone to define what a citizen of Rome is, with the exception of the largest assembly or the Maximus comitatus. It also prohibits the execution of persons who have not been convicted, the bribery of judges and the extradition of a citizen to hostile powers. [15] These two tables deal with Roman judicial proceedings.

Table I includes proceedings between the defendant and the plaintiff with reactions to possible situations, such as when age or illness prevent the defendant from appearing, and then transportation must be arranged to assist him. [14] It also deals with: The Twelve Tables are said to have been written by 10 commissioners (Decembers) at the insistence of the plebeians, who felt hindered in their legal rights by the fact that the judgments of the courts had been rendered according to unwritten customs, which were kept only in a small group of learned patricians. With the beginning of work in 451, the first group of commissioners produced 10 tables, which were then supplemented by 2 additional tables. In 450, the code was officially displayed on the Roman Forum, probably on bronze plates. The written account of the law in the Twelve Tablets allowed the plebeians both to become familiar with the law and to protect themselves from the abuses of power of the patricians. In addition to these early problems, some specific laws in the original tables were not very durable, such as the one that forbade mixed marriages between patricians and plebeians. This law was repealed in 445 BC. J.-C. with the adoption of the lex Canulia. Other laws within the Twelve Tablets were modified over time and from the 3rd century BC they were gradually replaced by laws more relevant to the development of Roman society and the dramatic expansion of the Republic.

4. A property guarantee or regulation applies to a foreigner forever. 2b. From the criminality of household children and slaves. Claims for damages are ordered in such a way that the father or captain can either submit to an assessment of the claim or extradite the offender for punishment. The exact reason why the paintings were created may have been lost in the haze of time, but once they were written, their contents were systematically mentioned in later Roman writings. Unfortunately, the tablets themselves did not survive, destroyed according to tradition, when Rome in 390 BC. It was plundered by the Gauls. From a few remaining fragments and these references in the literature, it is possible to identify at least some peculiarities.

9b. If a tree on a neighbor`s farm was blown down by the wind on his own yard,. you can rightly take legal action to remove this tree. 20b. Yes. The guards steal the property of a room. There should be action. against a protector for double damage; Each guardian is held for the full amount. 6-9. If the litigants have settled their case by a compromise, let the magistrate announce it.

If they do not compromise, they should present their own views to the forum committee before noon. Then ask them to discuss it together while the two are present. After noon, if one of the parties does not show up, ask the magistrate to render a verdict in favor of the person present. If both are present, the process may take until sunset, but not later. 7. You build and repair the road; if they don`t keep them stone-free, you`ll hunt your pet or your wedding wherever you want. (6) If the parties agree on the matter, the magistrate shall announce it. 10. A man could pick up fruit that had fallen on another man`s farm.

3. If illness or age is the obstacle, ask the summoner to provide a team. He does not have to provide a covered cart with a pallet unless he decides to. 2. On the third day of the market, let them divide his body among themselves. If they cut more or less than each individual`s share, it must not be a crime. 4. It is prohibited to devote to the consecrated use an object the ownership of which is the subject of controversy; otherwise, a contractual penalty of twice the value will be incurred. (2) If someone has broken another person`s limb, the reprisal shall take the form of benefits in kind, unless the member is paid with the member. 18a. No one may wear and tear at a rate exceeding one twelfth. 9.

Items falling within the category of accounts due to the deceased . are distributed among the heirs by ordinary legal transactions in proportion to their shares in the estate. According to the law, the debts of a testator`s estate are distributed among the heirs in proportion to the proportion of the estate that each acquires. 2b. If a father gives a son for sale three times, the son is free from the father. 1. If someone summons a man to the judge, he must leave. If the summoned man does not leave, the one who summoned him must call passers-by to testify and then forcibly take him away. (8) If one of the parties does not appear, the judge shall rule in favour of the person present after noon. According to tradition, in 451 BC. A committee, the decemviri, was charged, under public pressure, with writing a code of law that would better represent the interests of ordinary (plebeian) people and reduce the undue influence of aristocrats (patricians) and priests (pontificates) on Roman law. They had sat exclusively on a board that interpreted the law as they saw fit.

In preparation for this task, a delegation of three men was sent to Athens, where they studied the laws of the famous legislator Solon (c. 640 – c. 560 BC). Then ten men, all patricians, were given consular power (imperium) and were allowed to draw up a list of laws which they deemed most necessary and useful. 3. The cost of the funeral is limited to three veiled mourners and one mourner with an inexpensive purple tunic and ten flutists. The first decemvirate completed the first ten codes in 450 BC.


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